Summer Camps across the nation are set to begin early June. For those kids attending swimming lessons and other outdoor water activities, it is crucial that they are protected against harmful sun rays. These
one-piece sunsuits by Tuga provide 50+ UPF protection and you don't have to worry about the fabric being laced with chemicals, since there are no chemical treatments applied to the fabric. These sun suits have been tested and approved by the Best Baby Organics Team of moms. They are very comfortable, stylish, and provide excellent coverage for little swimmers.
Here is more of why we love these one-piece Sun Suits:
- One-piece means no more bottoms or tops being misplaced or mismatched.
- Many schools and camps require students to arrive already wearing their swimming clothes. The one-piece suits have perfect coverage for A/C'd cars and rooms. Less clothes to carry back and forth!
- Little girls won't have wedgies or tops riding up or down.
- The matching sun protective hats!
For girls we recommend keeping bathing suits dry and clean after each swimming session to avoid yeast infections (even little girls are vulnerable to this common female problem). Each sun suit retails for $44.99, but we know one is not enough, specially for kids enrolled in daily outdoor water activities, so we have a great offer:
Buy any three for $119.99
Use coupon code: SUNSAFE