Feb 12, 2009

Hotslings...How HOT are these baby carriers?

We are firm believers in the importance and the benefits of carrying your baby with a baby carrier or a baby sling (baby wearing). Baby wearing promotes bonding and closeness between mom (or dad) and baby, and can work miracles when a cranky baby needs soothing. One of the main reasons why we are so devoted to baby wearing is because, in our own experience, it gives us the freedom to move around with ease and we can use both hands to do things around the office or the house, while keeping baby with us all the time. We definitely recommend baby wearing to all parents of babies and very young children. One of our favorites is Hotslings!
Their slings are made of just a single piece of fabric and there are no straps, or rings, or buckles of any kind to mess with. They are so simple yet so beautiful and practical.
We want to hear from other moms and dads who have used or are using their HOTSLINGS and their experience with wearing their baby. Please share your opinions with our readers and help them make the best decision when it comes to buying the right baby wearer. Thanks!!!

Feb 11, 2009

Japanese Monkey Pants

What are Monkey Pants you ask?

Well traveled hipster young parents know that when their babies and toddlers wear Monkey Pants they are the envy of the playground.

Monkey Pants are a fashion trend straight from Japan. These ubberly cute pants are not only smart Japanese Design, but are also ultra hip and trendy.

They have extra room in the back to accommodate diapers (even those bulky cloth diapers our eco-friendly moms and dads like to use). Our Monkey Pants are made in Japan and are free of formaldehyde toxins. Perfect for baby's tender skin.
So, get those cameras ready! you are going to have a lot of happy faces crawling around...or is it happy bums?

Feb 8, 2009

The Belly Bandit has arrived!

We are always on the look out for smart eco-friendly products for babies and mamas and in our quest to find something that can help new moms regain their pre-pregnancy shape we found the Belly Bandit. A post pregnancy essential we can't wait to spread the word about.
We know how anxious a pregnant mom can get right after delivering her baby. We've been there!!

Baby is out...how come I still look pregnant?
My belly is still bulging!
will I ever go back to normal?

DON'T PANIC! You can bring sexy back!
to bring back that pre-pregnancy LEAN and SEXY Goddess, here is your best weapon: A Belly Wrap that helps tighten and shrink your tummy post pregnancy.

This eco-friendly Bamboo Belly Bandit™ is inherently anti-microbial, moisture wicking and is three times more durable than cotton. As a plant, Bamboo is a completely sustainable crop from the ground up. It requires no pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or additional water. Just add normal rainfall and it grows as much as four feet per day! Fabric made from Bamboo is one of the softest, all natural, GREENEST, fibers around. Being earth-friendly never felt so good!
The binding of a woman’s abdomen post delivery has been used therapeutically for centuries all over the globe. It is believed that increased and constant pressure against the abdominal area has benefits such as, flattening the belly and redefining the waistline while helping you keep your back straight minimizing associated pain and fatigue.
Pick your favorite BAMBOO Belly Bandit and Use Coupon Code: BAMBOOBB
during checkout to get $3.00 OFF the purchase price and FREE SHIPPING in the USA & Canada

Formaldehyde and Why So Many Parents are Sold on Organic Baby Clothes

Stacie McClintock is a writer for About.com, where she contributes to its Guide to Baby Clothes. Her Baby Clothes guide provides parents with valuable information about all aspects relating to baby clothing. Her devoted readers can trust her recommendations when deciding on money saving tips, fashion trends, and eco-friendly choices for their babies.
Stacie is a lover of baby fashion and thinks all parents deserve to know how to best dress their baby on any budget! She follows fashion trends religiously and currently serves as a fashion marketing consultant to several European companies as well as a few that are more local to her hometown.
A few months ago we spoke with Stacie about the use of Formaldehyde in Baby Clothing, the toxic effects that Formaldehyde may have on people (specially babies), and why Certified Organic Baby Clothes are the best alternative to avoid these chemicals. After our conversation, Stacie did some more research and wrote a very informative article:

Why Are So Many Parents Sold on Organic Baby Clothes?
Presence of chemicals in conventional baby clothes make parents think twice.

This post talks about the bad substances, pesticides, herbicides, etc that are used in garment manufacturing. We invite you to read her full article and become informed. Information is power!

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