We are firm believers in the importance and the benefits of carrying your baby with a baby carrier or a baby sling (baby wearing). Baby wearing promotes bonding and closeness between mom (or dad) and baby, and can work miracles when a cranky baby needs soothing. One of the main reasons why we are so devoted to baby wearing is because, in our own experience, it gives us the freedom to move around with ease and we can use both hands to do things around the office or the house, while keeping baby with us all the time. We definitely recommend baby wearing to all parents of babies and very young children. One of our favorites is Hotslings!
Their slings are made of just a single piece of fabric and there are no straps, or rings, or buckles of any kind to mess with. They are so simple yet so beautiful and practical.
We want to hear from other moms and dads who have used or are using their HOTSLINGS and their experience with wearing their baby. Please share your opinions with our readers and help them make the best decision when it comes to buying the right baby wearer. Thanks!!!
Hotslings are awesome carriers. For the newborn phase especially, I think they are the best carrier you can buy. I prefer two shoulder carriers when my baby is past 6 months, but before that time, hotslings are my #1 choice. They are chic, comfortable, and both my babies really loved them.