Mar 19, 2010

Hotslings seeks to educate people after CPSC Baby Sling warning

 Hotslings is stating that despite many circulating rumors, there is not a recall on any brand of baby slings.

Upon the release of the CPSC government warning Hotslings is reaching out to its customers with the following information: "The government's warning notes that care should be taken when placing babies in the cradle position in all baby slings. The CPSC has also mandated that a standard be created for all sling carriers by the ASTM Subcommittee for Sling Carrier Standards." The owner and creator of Hotslings, Kristen DeRocha, has been working for 2 years with the CPSC and is the ASTM Subcommittee Chair."

"Hotslings is dedicated to creating quality products that foster bonding between parent and baby and stand behind the CPSC's warning." Hotslings is working to educate American Consumers and in an effort to do so they wrote and co-sponsored a press release to make people aware of the different types of slings and what makes a sling safer. You can read the whole release here:

Also, Hotslings has begun including the drawings for positioning, seen in the CPSC's warning, in all new Hotslings shipments. These drawings were initially created by the Hotslings and Maya Wrap team and submitted as a instructional requirement to the ASTM. The link below is the official government warning.

1 comment:

  1. Hotslings is working to educate American Consumers and in an effort to do so they wrote and co-sponsored a press release to make people aware of the different types of slings and what makes a sling safer.


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