Pick your favorite BAMBOO Belly Bandit and get FREE SHIPPING
We know many of you have questions about the Belly Bandit, its effectiveness, finding the right size, and how to wear it. Belly Bandit has done a very good job at putting this information out and we want to share this information with our blog readers. This is coming directly from the "Banditas" at Belly Bandit:
Questions & Answers
Can I wear this while I'm pregnant?
NOOOOO... This is a post pregnant item only.
What is this miracle-working, belly banding goodness all about?
The Belly Bandit® is an abdominal compression wrap designed to assist you in bringing your body back to its former beauty and proportion after child birth. Postpartum wraps have been known to help reduce the swelling of the uterus, decrease bloating caused by water retention, support your legs & back and provide additional comfort and support for you breast feeding moms. Ultimately the Belly Bandit® will aid in getting you back to your pre-pregnancy bod faster than ever!
Why haven't I heard of the Belly Bandit® before?
That's what we said when we found out about postpartum wrapping of the belly! Who knew? Smart women around the world that's who! The binding of a woman's abdomen post delivery has been used therapeutically for centuries all over the globe. It is believed that increased and constant pressure against the abdominal area has benefits such as, flattening the belly and redefining the waistline while helping you keep your back straight minimizing associated pain and fatigue. We've just perfected a comfy garment that is tailored to your body after giving birth..
Who will know I'm wearing a Belly Bandit®?
Only those who you want to know! Relax ladies, first of all this is NOT a girdle. This is simply a breathable and comfy exclusively tailored belly wrap to assist your body in regaining its former beauty and proportion after child birth. The Belly Bandit® provides strong support to relieve discomfort and give you the extra confidence you deserve post partum. Our smooth lightweight construction is designed for you to wear comfortably under all of your clothes and our tagless design won't irritate your skin. We may be biased, but we actually think it's kinda cute.
How does this prevent stretch marks post delivery?
Although everybody knows what can cause them ie: stomach growth and the stretching of skin, we really have never thought about the post period and what may be another factor. The excess skin that is pulled and stretched after birth may continue to cause unslightly markings by “hanging around”. The more weight you gain, the more you have to lose. Greater support of this loose skin may actually decrease tension which in turn may decrease stretch marks in the post period. While you do the tough part (ie: working out, eating right etc.) we'll hold you in and help decrease the risk of getting stretch marks post delivery.
Difference in the Styles/Materials etc?:
The Belly Bandit® Original comes in 3 different colors: white, nude, and black. It is known as the original because it is the first one we developed. It consists of 75% polyester 25% lycra.
The Belly Bandit® Couture feels similar to bathing suit material. It comes in several different hip, fun, funky print . The core of the Belly Bandit® couture is the original, the liner is 92% polyester and 8% spandex, and the outer shell is 100% polyester.
The Belly Bandit® Bamboo is our softest Belly Bandit® It comes in black or natural and is eco-friendly and naturally anti-microbial. It is also moisture wicking which makes it the perfect choice for c sections The core is the original, and the outer shell is 95% bamboo and 5% spandex.
* Note from the bloggers: Best Baby Organics specializes in the Bamboo Belly Bandit because it offers better comfort and because it is eco-friendly. We also carry the Original Belly Bandit for our price conscious customers.
*Please see Bandita Comfort Rating Chart for additional information!
I had a C section. Which Belly Bandit® do you recommend for me?
Above and beyond...the Bamboo!!!!! This is plain and simply for its amazing anti-microbial and anti-bacterial qualities. It is also moisture wicking by nature so that helps during this time when the hormones are just transitioning back to normal. Fun fun fun!
Had your baby awhile ago, maybe 3 months, a year, maybe more?
Although we recommend wearing your Belly Bandit® right after you deliver for 6-8 weeks, there is no reason why you shouldn't wear it whenever you can or want to. Some additional benefits of the product are extra back support and improved posture. We all know that when you feel better, you tend to be more active. This may lead the way to more movement and in turn may help with exercise (and you can wear while working out). Don't forget that when you are using your core muscles you engage the important focal point and its here the work out truly begins. Ask any trainer, its all about using your core muscles to build strength and tone. This is like wearing a rubber band around your wrist “aka” a reminder to be aware of your core and engage! Now the good part....you look slimmer in clothing and feel better wearing those shirts that you stuffed away in the closet because you didn't like those “extra rolls” or you promised to put it back on after you lost the “spare tire” around your waist. So even if you didn't just have your little bundle of joy last week or event last month...we know, every little bit helps. We've been there.
Not pregnant but interested in the Belly Bandit®?
Although the Belly Bandit® was designed for postpartum women, there is no reason why you shouldn't wear it whenever you can or want to, especially if it makes you feel good (and it does)! Some additional benefits of the product are extra back support and improved posture. We all know that when you feel better, you tend to be more active. This may lead the way to more movement and in turn may help with exercise (and you can wear while working out). Don't forget that when you are using your core muscles you engage the important focal point and its here the work out truly begins. Ask any trainer, its all about using your core muscles to build strength and tone the body. This is like wearing a rubber band around your wrist “aka” a reminder to be aware of your core and engage! Now the good part....you look slimmer in clothing and feel better wearing those shirts that you stuffed away in the closet because you didn't like those “extra rolls” or you promised to put it back on after you lost the “spare tire”. So even if you don't have kids we know, every little bit helps.
When should I start wearing my Belly Bandit®?
The first 24-48 hours after delivery. You can start using it as soon as the day after you give birth (even after a c section)! Wearing the Belly Bandit® after a c section may help to decrease post-op recovery time by minimizing associated incision pain, which allows greater mobility post-surgery! We recommend prior to use that you consult your physician.
How exactly do I wear the Belly Bandit®?
Starting at your belly button go all the way around to find the correct measurement. To get the best and tightest fit apply this way: We suggest you lay the Belly Bandit® flat and lay on top of it and wrap from there! Much like you would get into a tight pair of jeans (you all know what we mean ladies!)
Is there a correct place to place the Velcro closure?
We prefer a side closure, because we find it's the most inconspicuous and you get the best grip for a tight closure. The initial post partum belly shape is very different than the pregnant belly shape you know so well. The closure off to the side helps flatten and smooth out this belly look. But if you prefer go for the center closure, whatever you feel works for you! If you are having trouble closing your Belly Bandit®, put it on while laying down for an even tighter closure (again just like you would a tight pair of jeans as referred to above).
How long do I wear the Belly Bandit®? Is 4 weeks enough? 8 weeks? Is 12 weeks too long?
Anything worth doing, is worth doing well, right? That being said....We recommend doing it the full amount of time which is 6-8 weeks, For maximum results wear your Belly Bandit® snuggly around your waist day and night, (if discomfort occurs remove and consult with your doctor). Just take it off to shower...then wrap yourself right back up again! The Belly Bandit® should fit snug with constant pressure on the belly, but without any impact on breathing, circulation or discomfort in your ribs. As always diet and exercise play an integral part when trying to reach your pre-pregnancy size.
My Belly Bandit® feels too tight. What can I do?
Please watch our sizing video to verify you sized yourself correctly! It is a compression wrap so it should fit snuggly in order to do the job, however we don't want it to be so uncomfortable that it cannot be worn without ease.
It is uncomfortable to sit in my Belly Bandit®. Any suggestions?
Yes, you may want try pulling it down a little lower over your hips when you sit down. Remember you can wear your pants over the Belly Bandit®.
It is uncomfortable to sleep in my Belly Bandit®. Any suggestions?
You may want to sleep in the Bamboo style. This is very soft and is our most luxurious style available to mommies. If you can, splurge!
I'm short waisted, will this fit me?
Good things come in short ... we mean small packages! If you're short waisted, consider wearing the Belly Bandit® lower on your hips. Personal preference among women varies on how the Belly Bandit® is worn.
I see creases and waves in my Belly Bandit® is this normal? Is it still working?
Yes, creases are normal. Much like a band-aid, the Belly Bandit® forms to the bend of your body to wear more comfortably. Without any creasing it would be hard to do daily activities with ease. Creases do not affect the tensile strength of the Belly Bandit®. Creases will not stand in the way of the Belly Bandit's® results. Please continue to wear as usual. The appearance of the Original Belly Bandit® will change due to normal wear, much like a band aid, expect to see waviness on the edges and in the center of the band as it forms to the body, this is normal. Remember, this will not hinder the effectiveness.
How do I wash My Belly Bandit®?
Your Belly Bandit® should be hand washed. Yes....we said hand wash! Please make sure to wash it in cold water and air or line-dry. Do not wring this in order to remove excess water as it may damage the strength of the piece. Washing in hot water or drying with an electric or gas dryer may also damage the product and cause shrinkage. The drying process can take up to 12 hours. Due to the continuous periods of time you are advised to wear the Belly Bandit® it is recommended to purchase two. Having two will enable you to always have a freshly clean one available while the other is being washed.
I want to wash my Belly Bandit® but I don't want to leave it off that long...
It becomes addictive, you'll see! It may take up to 12 hours to dry when you wash your Belly Bandit®. Since it is not to be thrown into a dryer you may want to purchase 2 to keep wearing one continuously.
Is the Belly Bandit® good for Diastasis (aka: Diastasis Recti)?
Doctors will tell you that Diastasis weakens the support systems for the back and the organs which in turn leads to back pain, a weakened core and possibly herniation of the organs.
The Belly Bandit® provides back, leg and abdominal support while also slimming mommies body under your clothing! Our 9” height and unique tensile strength is the perfect combination for helping out the targeted area for diastasis recti. A normal splint is typically worn between the bottom of the rib cage and the top of the hip bones, so each side of the recti can be brought towards the middle. Our product is worn underneath your breasts to your hip bones which more than covers this particular area.
How quickly does the Belly Bandit® ship out after I place my order?
Normally shipping time is within 24-72 hours (it is usually closer to 24 hours). If orders are placed over the weekends or on holidays then it will be a slightly longer lead time.
How do I return a Belly Bandit®? What are the terms?
The Belly Bandit® is non-returnable since it is considered an undergarment, it is exchangeable ONLY if it has not been warn or used within 7 days of receipt. Please email us at: service@bestbabyorganics.com for complete details on how to exchange a wrong size belly bandit.
Is the Belly Bandit® Good for Diastasis (ask: Diastasis Recti)?
Read more from
Tracey Mallett, the Belly Bandit Fitness Expert:
By wearing Belly Bandit® along with specific abdominal exercises can help close the separation of the abdominals after pregnancy. The band will draw the separated abdominals together and help to retrain them back to their original functional position. The earlier you start to wear the Belly Bandit® after giving birth the higher success rate you will achieve.
Direct From Tracey's New Book
Abdominal Wraps
Many women, especially celebrities, swear that wearing an abdominal wrap around the midsection after birth really helps their abdominals get back to pre-pregnancy state quicker. I agree that wrapping your abs will force your muscles to come back together if they're separated and can help to stop the condition from getting worse. It will also give you that extra back support and a natural reminder to activate your abs throughout the day. I personally like the Belly Bandit®.
Belly Bandit®s are designed to stretch over time to conform to your bodies unique contours, providing the most support where it is needed. The Belly Bandit® does NOT recommend purchasing pre-worn Belly Bandit®s, because they have stretched to fit someone else's body shape; and may not provide the right support for your body.
Continued on
Belly Bandit Measuring Tips...
Pick your favorite BAMBOO Belly Bandit and get FREE SHIPPING