Lisa Mason-Reilly began her journey into Yoga at a young age having been blessed with a practicing mother. Growing up with an awareness of proper nutrition, meditation and balancing the physical body she is thankful to have these tools available to her throughout her life experience. Having had careers in high-end fashion as a model and buyer in a corporate capacity, she is all too aware of the stress and consuming affects associated with being "of the world". Although thankful for all the wonderful traveling opportunities and benefits of exposure to many different cultures, Lisa decided to take some time away from the frenetic corporate life and delve deeper within. Thanks to her dedicated teachers, she has emerged with more profound insight as to her purpose on this journey. She expresses that purpose through the creativity of being a mother, a teacher and a friend. Having recently completed the Teacher Training Certification Program at Prana Yoga in Coral Gables, Lisa dove in and began teaching Prenatal Yoga at the studio. She is thankful for the opportunity to share what has been so graciously shared with her and to continue to cultivate her devotion and love for Yoga.
The Benefits of Practicing Prenatal Yoga
by Guest Blogger Lisa Mason-Reilly
The Ancient Science and Philosophy of Yoga has been a wellspring of knowledge throughout centuries providing tools and wisdom for unifying the body, mind and spirit. This union which is attained through Asana practice (physical postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Meditation, helps to balance the physical body systems, calm and focus the mind, and prepare the self for its higher purpose.
Prenatal Yoga offers many wonderful gifts to a pregnant woman and her baby. In addition to more physical strength and flexibility, the added benefits of breath awareness and meditation help to prepare the mother's mind and body for the normal and natural event of labor. Through this awareness also comes the opportunity to experience a deeper connection and bond with the growing baby. Many women that have practiced prenatal Yoga prior to delivery have reported having had a strong connection with their baby and an awareness during delivery that made the process of birth progress more smoothly. One mother commented that "with my increased awareness gained through practicing Yoga, I felt that during labor my daughter and I were communicating and really working together in the birthing process...to have these tools available to call on during labor is truly a blessing."
Prenatal Yoga offers safe and natural support as the demands and stress put on the body increase with pregnancy. There are asanas, meditations and pranayamas that provide relief for many common discomforts associated with pregnancy. For example, controlled movement of extremities and poses that allow feet above the heart help with swelling (edema) which is often times associated with pregnancy. Balasana (child's pose) is an asana that helps with fatigue and lower back discomfort, while standing poses and balancing poses help with leg stiffness and cramps. In addition, Pranayama, stillness and meditation can help with nausea and digestion. Many asanas help with increased circulation, gently working the cardiovascular system, toning the pelvic floor, and balancing the the body and mind to reduce stress and anxiety.
It is important to have permission from the doctor before beginning any exercise program when pregnant, and unless the mother has an existing Yoga practice, it is not recommended to begin an Asana practice until after the first trimester because of the higher risk of miscarriage during this period. But that doesn't mean that a pregnant woman can't begin practicing Yoga the moment she finds out she is pregnant, because Yoga does not just include the physical component, but is also comprised of breathing, meditation and awareness. Similarly, as a woman progresses further into her pregnancy and may not be able to participate in some of the more physical aspects of Yoga for various medical reasons, the benefits of meditation, visualization, and breath awareness will provide relief for any fear, worry or doubt that the mother may be experiencing and ultimately help to prepare the mother for labor.
Drawing on this ancient wisdom, mothers give their body, mind and spirit the opportunity to prepare a strong vessel to carry this new life and bring it forth into the world through a healthy and peaceful journey. In addition, mothers practicing prenatal Yoga are giving their babies an example from the beginning of how to live this life in harmony. What a Gift!
Om Shanti
Prana Yoga in Miami offers:
Prenatal Classes Tuesdays at 6pm, Fridays at 10am, Saturdays at 2pm,
Mommy & Me Classes Mondays at 9am & Wednesdays at 9am, and
Yoga for Kids Friday at 4pm and Sunday at Noon.
Please join us and you will receive a complimentary first class when you reference this article. You may also visit us at www.pranayogamiami.com for a complete schedule of classes and workshops.
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