2 drops organic lavender essential oil*
2 drops organic tea tree essential oil*
2 cups distilled water
1/4 teaspoon vitamin E
Mix the essential oils in the water in a spray bottle. Add the vitamin E (if you can’t find the liquid version, you can use a capsule. Just cut open the vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents into the oil/water mixture). Mix well. To use, simply spritz onto a soft clean cloth, and use as you would a commercial wipe. Please note: because there are no preservatives in this mixture, keep refrigerated and use within one week. The tea tree oil and lavender are naturally anti-bacterial, but this mixture will not keep forever.
*Make sure to only use pure essential oils, never fragrance oils, in any products that you make for your baby or for yourself. Fragrance oils can contain up to 200 different chemical ingredients, which can cause side-affects can including headaches, dizziness, rash, violent coughing, vomiting, skin irritation.
Many thanks to Mary Kearns, owner of HerbanLifestyle.com for sending us this fabulous recipe!
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